The Personal Reconnection®
The Personal Reconnection
For the unfolding of your specific talents, your Personal Reconnetion is the perfect tool! Once you've chosen this, there's no going back to the 'old you'.
Who is this for? Simple, everyone. I myself prefer to work with people who just KNOW that they are here to make a significant difference, have a bigger picture in mind: coaches, therapists, psychologists, social workers, musicians, artists, entrepeneurs, and the ones who not quite found their unique way. In my eyes, a Personal Reconnection is the best and fastest accelerator for making a positive impact on yourself, your surroundings, people who cross your path in a meaningful way, and the world. A Reconnection is personal because it will help you on YOUR way, instead of letting you walk another person's dreams.
A Personal Reconnection needs to be activated only once in your life, and it will continue to assist you on your way to the best version you can possibly be. It's really a once in a lifetime experience and choosing this will help you embrace your personal growth at a faster pace than what you would be able to do in your own. Your personal talents and personality take shape as never before, as it has done for me.
I like to focus on people who know, conscious or even unconsciously, they have a big part to play on Earth. Whether you have already found the form or not. You are keen to explore the way you can leave your positive mark on the world. And that's exactly what I love, facilitating a gift that keeps on giving, for the ones who also feel the urge to opens doors for others and help make the world a better place. This is a powerful tool and designed for you personally. Is this your deep desire, then this is for you, without a doubt. Let me assist you in opening the doors for you, so you can do the same for others. Of course, you have others wishes as well. And guess what, your Personal Reconnection will help you on that way as well. After this activation, you will be able to trust more that things work out for you, in a way you've never been able to before, which doesn't mean you won't be tested. But I promise you that you will get through them more easilly, naturally and faster. The people you meet along the way, will be the ones you're supposed to meet and they will either test you and/or walk beside you to help you grow and evolve.
Discovering and utilising your unique talents in a natural, efficient and smooth way is your wish right now? And all of this with a sense of meaning and joy? Well, then this is your next move and I'm right here to assist you.
I can honestly say that my Personal Reconnection had helped me since day 1 because I suddenly had a clear view on my path, my main road, instead of taking a wrong turn too often. That has changed completely and I am happy to say that the road I'm supposed to take is very clear to me now. And moreover, there's no way around it, no more ending up in vicious circles or dead ends. The people I really needed for my personal growth came to me. Why wouldn't they? After all, I was taking the high road, specifically for me and I drew them in. Is it always fun and games? No, it certainly isn't but T can assure you that after the activation of your Personal Reconnection, you will never be the same person again. I understand faster and easier why things come my way, and I can shift much quicker than before. Before, I would just get stuck in it. The insights come faster, which saves you from unnecesary tension. You become the version you want for yourself but you may have never dared to picture. And I know and feel it working all the time, as long as I allow myself a broader perspective. It's as if this higher intelligence taps me on the back and says: No no no, you've been there before and you're not going to do that again. Been there, done that, and now be done with it.
My own Personal Reconnection is one of the greatest gifts I've ever allowed myself to recieve. Suddenly I was capable of much more than I could ever had imagined me doing. And the people I've met may even represent the most beautiful 'side effects' 😃
So how does it work?
Originally, humans were connected to the network of the Earth and the Universe. Throughout time, this connection was lost and now the time has come to repair this. The Personal Reconnection is the best tool to reconnect the meridians in our body with the ley lines of the Earth. These lines run through the powerful energetic places on Earth, for example Machu Pichu, the Pyramids in Egypt,... By reconnecting these ley lines to the meidians in our body, a reconnection that used to operate as our inner GPS system is restored, which makes evolution and healing possible. Animals, for example, are naturally connected to this network and now we have the tool for humans to rediscover this immense power. The Personal Reconnection restores and reactivates the lines that make it possible to regain access to higher frequencies and vibrations, which allow us to evolve more rapidly and effectively, and will give you more access to light and information.
Here are some examples of what your Personal Reconnection can offer you:
- your hidden talents arise more clearly
- intuition becomes (even more) stronger
- the right people for you cross your path more quickly
- you get a clearer view on your life path
- the big question in life are answered, or you get a taste of the bigger picture
- a new basic trust is regained and your fears fall by the wasteline
- physical symptoms disappear or become lighter
- you start to trust and live more from your gut feeling
- you live by a natural flow
- insights come to you much quicker
- you become an inspiration to others
In practice, it takes two sessions to activate your Personal Reconnection and one day between the two. One session takes about 1h15minutes, of which 45 minutes ont the table. For instance, you have your first session on Monday and your seconec on Wednesday.
The price is 333€ (for the two sessions) and this numer symbolises unity in human form, in the soul, body and mind. A Reconnective Healing session can be done by distance, however, a Personal Reconnection needs to be activated in person.
Every human being on Earth is benefited by this powerful tool, so don't hesitate.