My focus is on Reconnective Healing for humans and animals, and the Personal Reconnection for humans. This is ons of the greatest gifts I have received myself and it's an absolute honour to be able to do the same for others.
Reconnective Healing®
Are you ready for the start of your lasting transformation or would you like to refine it and dive deeper into it? Reconnective Healing® can give you the push you need. Reconnective Healing® is based on high universal frequencies that know exactly what you need at the right time. This intelligence knows better than you, actually. A few examples: insights just come much easier and faster to you, your intuition grows stronger, people who are more aligned with you show upin your life, physcical discomfort diminishes or even disappears,...etc All you need to do is allow the Universe to do its job. Even after 1 session, beautiful things come your way, just like that. In practice, you're on the massage table, shoes off, clothes on, no physical touch, and you just let it happen. An experience you will never forget.
The Universe, aka that hidden force in yourself, means well. Click the picture on top for more information or read more on
Reconnective Healing® voor dieren
Zoals voor de mens kan deze vorm van energetisch werk wonderen doen voor jouw geliefde dier. Misschien wordt het niet wat jij als baasje op het oog had, maar het zal perfect in lijn liggen met wat jouw lieve vriend nodig heeft. Wens je hem of haar ondersteuning te bieden op de mooiste manier mogelijk, kies dan voor Reconnective Healing®