Reconnective Healing®

What and for whom is Reconnective Healing?

Reconnective Healing will assist where you need it and are mostly unaware of. A greater intelligence (call it the field, magnetic field, the Universe,...) starts interacting and working with you. It knows where you are stuck, and will push you when needed. These frequencies carry a force that will make sure you no longer have to carry it all on your own, and is always willing to work with you. To clear up old stuff, help you break old and useless patterns, to help you feel where you want to be and certainly where you no longer wish to be,...

Reconnective Healing has shown its effectiveness a million times in practice but als by scientific research. Reconnective Healing is often life changing, as high new frequencies are used that facilitate healing on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic/spiritual level. This was discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl, Los Angeles and many top physisians, medical researchers, hospitals and universities. This method is supported and acknowledged by scientific research, as you can read in the book 'Science confirms Reconnective Healing' by Konstantin Korotkov.

These remarklable frequencies can be utilised in two ways: Reconnective Healing and the Personal Reconnection (see page The Personal Reconnection®. They are able to facilitate balance to mind and body, and they can actually bring about much more than that... Because during a session I work and play with these frequencies, I'm actually using the whole spectrum, which enables remarkable outcomes. Reconnective Healing is not a technique, such as for example Reiki, Cho Gong, Chakra Healing,... because the focus is never on the symptoms. The focus is on recallibrating the points that are in disbalance.

Dr. Eric Pearl says:


"If you're lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you're really lucky, your healing will come in a form you've not even dreamed of - one which the Universe specifically has in mind for you."

Who can benefit from Reconnective Healing?

Since you are reading this information, I would sa: you! 

In theory, it's available for everybody, but what matters to me is that you feel/know that I'm the person for you. I prefer to facilitate healing for the ones who are ready to put their old ways aside, and realise that they are responsible for their reality and their choices. Do they seems blurry for you and you want clarity to look them in the eyes? Come see me. Out with the old, in with the new. Is this where you are at, wanting to leave old stuff behind and wanting a clear and fresh start? Then I'm just a click or a phonecall away.

If on the other hand, you are stuck in old and useless stories and you have no desire to take a look at your own part, then you might want to choose another way of healing. Reconnective Healing can open doors for you, but you are the one who will consciously have to choose to walk through them. I can help with that of course and there's always room for the story, preferably if you're open to new ideas and belief systems. You have to be willing to take responsibility for your own actions. Reconnective Healing is a way to help you clear old stuff up and I prefer to work with people who are ready for that. If you feel like this is where you are at, let's go. There's always room for your view and story of course in an open and safe place. So you can look at it as a way to clean and clear up. Will it solve everything? No, of course not. But you will get 'help' along the way. Are you consciously choosing lasting change, then yes it's for you and I'm more than happy to welcome you.

How what does a session look like?

A session is never the same for anyone because these frequencies work with you in your specific way and preference. One person could feel like one session have served its purpose, but 3 session are advised. It depends on your commitment. The choice is completely up to you of course and some people will feel like one session is sufficient. Not everyone's carries the same baggage so every experience is unique. 

At the start of your session, I make time and room for your story and what brought you to Reconnective Healing. Then I start the healing on the massage table, which takes at least 30 minutes, without physical touch. As this is energetic work, physical touch is unnecessary. You just close your eyes and allow. 

Dress code

Wear comfortable clothes, according to the season. Bear in mind that you keep your clothes on, shoes off, with your back on the table during the session. Wearing jewelry is fine, as long as they sit comfortable during the session. 

Duration of one session of Reconnective Healing (individual) is approximately 60 to 90 minutes (of which 30min on the table).

Cost for one session: 120€  (payment cash, exact money please) or via a payment app - payment before start of the session. If it's a distance healing, I send a payment request before start.

One to 3 sessions are advised. Extra information: the other application of these frequencies is the Personal Reconnection. Be sure to check it out The Personal Reconnection®

See you soon


De Bron